(845) 642-6697
What are core beliefs?
Core beliefs are assumptions we develop that help us understand how the world works and who we are. These beliefs start to form in early...
504 Plan Accommodations for ADHD
Impulsive behavior. Incomplete homework. Inconsistent focus. Whatever your child’s school challenges, these teacher-approved...
Journaling to Challenge Anxious Thoughts
The goal of this process is to get your worries on paper so you can break the cycle of rumination, challenge those thoughts, and come up...
Exercises for Couples At Home
Couples at any stage of their relationship can benefit from deepening their emotional connection. While some people wait to address their...
What is dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)?
Management of intense emotions isvwey important in day to day life. DBT provides structured treatment to an effective self-regulation.
What is Your Love Language? Take a quiz to find out.
adapted from Dr. Gary Chapman’s "The 5 Love Languages". Read each pair of statements and circle the letter that best describes you: 1....
Therapy Approach for Depressed and Anxious Teens
What Is DBT? Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a skill based approach that balances acceptance and change, rather than focusing...
How our thoughts, feelings and behavior are connected
Whenever a thought appears in our mind, it triggers a feeling. Based on this feeling we take an action which in turn may affect a...
Neurobiologia mózgu
Do tej pory bunt u nastolatka kojarzył się głównie ze zmianami hormonalnymi. Jednak z badań wynika, że w mózgu także zachodzą istotne...
DBT and Parenting Strategies for Raising Teens
DBT has been truly a blessing and a great recourse in my therapeutic work with families. Too often I receive calls from parents who feel...
ACCEPTS to distract in a moment
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) was developed in the late 1980s by Dr. Marsha Linehan and colleagues. It is a strength-based model...
Teaching Your Child To Be Assertive
Assertiveness allows your child to be considerate of others while still looking out for your child's own needs. It fosters confidence to...
Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Kids and Teens
Anxiety and stress often lead to tight and tense muscles. Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that reduces stress and anxiety by...
A Practice For Systematic Deep Relaxation (5:30min)
Tracee Stanley: Yoga Nidra
Conflict Resolution for Parents and Teens
Conflict stems from differences whenever people disagree about their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires. Sometimes these...
Communicating with your Teen
Communication with teenagers improves tremendously when they feel understood and respected. There are times when they may want you to...
At-home strategies for teaching Feelings
Everyday is a new opportunity and a teachable moment for you and your child to learn about feelings together. Here are some ideas to...
Czym jest ADHD?
ADHD to zespół nadpobudliwości psychoruchowej, który występuje u 4-8% dzieci w wieku wczesnoszkolnym (6–9 lat), częściej u chłopców niż u...